Now offering Tai Chi, Physical Therapy and Functional Health Coaching

Welcome to BEGIN - 30 Days of Tai Chi
Join me for an orientation to your 30 day journey into tai chi! This welcome video contains some tips to support you during the program. We also ask the question, “Why do I want to BEGIN?”
This welcome video contains some tips to support you during the program. We also ask the question, “Why do I want to BEGIN?”
SIGN UP at to receive the full program, delivered to your inbox. This includes your free downloadable BEGIN calendar with practice times so you can plan ahead. It also includes a daily message from me to help you stay motivated and go deeper in your practice.
If you are here for the LIVE roll out of the journey, new videos will upload each day at 8am ET.
I cannot wait to share this experience with you.
Thank you for being here.
Tomorrow, we BEGIN.
PS: Please invite a friend so you can start with Day 1 together. Send them the BEGIN sign up page today!